La Guardia 48-62

La Guardia 48-62

Tel Aviv


An urban Renewal Project in La Guardia Street in Tel Aviv.

Demolition of 8 old residential buildings with a total of 160 housing units, and construction of 8-story buildings with approximately 600 new housing units. The plan includes a mixed-use program consisting of commercial, public and residential programs. The goal of the program is to strengthen the urban aspects of the street  and develop La Guardia Street into a vibrant and active place, as befits a central axis in the heart of the Yad Eliahu neighborhood.

On one hand the urban character of the place is augmented by increasing the density, creating a mix of uses, adding commercial, public and recreational uses. On the other hand, the plan aims to preserve the unique neighborhood character of the street today, as well as the existing population currently residing there. 

Special emphasis was placed on sustainability, efficient climate planning, and preservation of the existing green areas between the buildings, while adding public uses and community buildings. The implementation of the plan will be carried out in stages in order to preserve the existing population during the construction process. The project development includes the full participation of the residents who are an integral part of the decision-making process.

Client: Tel Aviv Municipality

Building Area: 22,200 m2
Phase: Concept

Project Images